You require a Language Assessment to register in government-funded English language classes. Language Assessment Services can help you register and take the required assessments and tests.
Language Assessments & Tests
Canadian Language Benchmarks Assessment
The CLBA is a nationally recognized standard for assessment of English as a Second Language of adults. The task-based assessment is referenced to the Canadian Language Benchmarks. It measures a person's English language proficiency in four skill areas: Listening and Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The assessment results are reported as benchmarks on the scale from Prebenchmark to 8.
Canadian Language Benchmarks Assessment for Literacy Learners
The Canadian Language Benchmarks for Adult Literacy Learners document published in 2016 introduced a new scale for the measurement of literacy ability. The scale aligns literacy benchmarks with ESL benchmarks so clients can be placed accurately and served appropriately in the classes that are available to them.
Canadian Language Benchmarks Placement Test
The CLBPT is a streamlined assessment instrument that is used to place adult learners in ESL programs. It is task-based, assesses four language skills (Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking), and is aligned with the Canadian Language Benchmarks levels 1 - 8. There are four parallel versions of the CLBPT.
Enhanced Language Training Placement Assessment
The ELTPA consists of two assessment tools: ELTPA (6-10) and ELTPA (9-10). Both ELTPA (6-10) and ELTPA (9-10) are designed for placement of adult newcomers, mostly internationally trained professionals and trades people, in Enhanced Language Training programs. The assessment tools, referenced to the Canadian Language Benchmarks, focus on evaluating language skills (Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing) related to work or work-readiness settings.